Friday, July 10, 2009

Defunctionalizing proofs (revised + extended edition)

I wrote a paper that elaborates and improves upon the basic idea I talked sketchily about some months ago, of applying defunctionalization towards a formal representation of "Ω-rules" in Twelf, with applications to pattern-matching and cut-elimination. The paper was accepted to Proof Search in Type Theory, next month in Montreal.

Text: pdf
Code: twelf
In previous work, the author gave a higher-order analysis of focusing proofs (in the sense of Andreoli’s search strategy), with a role for infinitary rules very similar in structure to Buchholz’s Ω-rule. Among other benefits, this “pattern-based” description of focusing simplifies the cut-elimination procedure, allowing cuts to be eliminated in a connective-generic way. However, interpreted literally, it is problematic as a representation technique for proofs, because of the difficulty of inspecting and/or exhaustively searching over these infinite objects. In the spirit of infinitary proof theory, this paper explores a view of pattern-based focusing proofs as façons de parler, describing how to compile them down to first-order derivations through defunctionalization, Reynolds’ program transformation. Our main result is a representation of pattern-based focusing in the Twelf logical framework, whose core type theory is too weak to directly encode infinitary rules—although this weakness directly enables so-called “higher-order abstract syntax” encodings. By applying the systematic defunctionalization transform, not only do we retain the benefits of the higher-order focusing analysis, but we can also take advantage of HOAS within Twelf, ultimately arriving at a proof representation with surprisingly little bureaucracy.

This is very much work in progress—comments much appreciated!

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